Sunday, May 11, 2008

The Conundrum

Oh I've stopped smoking for almost 3 months now. It's not hard to stop when the doctor adviced you to because it's one of the contributing factor of your gastritis.

I fucking hate the recurring pain in my stomach.

So I stop sucking smoke.

This headstrong leftist monster finally heeds the doctor's advice. Cold turkey. Yes people, I literally stopped when she told me,"Adek, you have to stop smoking, drinking". And yes she called me adek.(For the benefit of my 'offshore' readers, adek=little brother). Whatever.

I stopped not because she called me adek. Or because the doctor is a lady, as suggested by one of my officemates who had no qualms asking me when I'm going to get married almost every fucking day. What made her think that I only listen to female doctors? Honestly, I'd heed a doctor's advice no matter what his/her sex or sexual orientation. Even if the doctor is a lingerie sniffer. Or an every-hour wanker.

I mean, what's the point of seeing a doctor if you don't follow his/her advice? I can't deny the urge to have a fag, or two, or hundreds, is still there. It's always there. And will always be. It needs one's high determination and courage as big as, errr... Mount Kinabalu?(a tribute to my long-time Sabahan crush. Hehe).

Some ego helps too.

This is where you can put your ego to good use. For instance, when offered a cig, smile and politely say no(no affiliation whatsoever with the government's campaign however). When insisted(this situation normally occurs with your good friends), smile and politely show your middle fingers. Yes. Fingers. And that's some ego I tell you.

Well hey presto! Instead of the 'Say NO!' campaign, why not 'Show Fingers!' campaign?

How about that for a holistic change?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

good! stay away from cigarettes

you know who i am =)

18/5/08 9:21 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3 months already?
good boy!

take good care of yourself ok
live healthy good life!


19/5/08 12:14 am  
Blogger androi8 said...

anonymous: Cigarettes should stay away from me! :P

molly: *Bowing to a standing ovation*
You take good care of yourself too dear!

19/5/08 6:04 am  

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