Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Questions

Have you ever wondered how many questions have you ever answered all your life? How many questions have you asked today? We answer questions everyday. People ask questions every given day. Exams, interviews, everyday conversations, you name it. All these events trigger questions, one after another. It's like the highest level of conspiracy. OK, let me just stop this one here before I start another line of crap. Let's not try to be funky here. Hehe.
Moving on, questions pose by people serve many purposes. People ask questions to solve problems, to get one at times. We question ourselves to evaluate life, to reason actual facts. We ask questions to fill the blanks. Is it safe to say now that the most frequent character used by people all over the world are question marks? Better leave that job to the statistician eh?
Well I'm sure among those many questions, there are some that we can't wait for and there are some that we try to avoid(and probably pray to God never will be asked). Like "How's your girlfriend?". Now this one irks me the most. Better "Are you gay?" or one of those random "When are you getting married?" than THIS one. Like they know I have a girlfriend in the first place and asking about her well-being. I mean, come on, get a life. You don't even know whether I have one and you ask me 'her' well-being without even sure of 'her' existence!? Alright, alright, maybe they're just trying to be friendly or something. Friendly or something my arse. I wish I can say "I'm sorry for shattering your view about my future and nonchalantly breaking your heart into pieces but I'm gay. Yeah, I do boys. Sorry. *wink an eye*" but instead, I go for the classic "No, I don't have one" and they will go like "Oh come on, you sure have one, don't be shy...*patting my back*" and how happy I am if I can just strip them to the bones, right there, at that time.
Among other grave question that people frequently asked me is "Hey, I think I've seen you somewhere before but where eh?". This one, is a classic in its own right. As if I can be seen in Timbuktu this morning and in Ulan Bator this evening. Yeah, you'll feel that way when people ask you this everyday.
And recently, while being interviewed for a Software Engineer position. Among other questions posed:
Interviewer: Are you one of those bikers?
Job Hunter: No I'm not. I don't even have a bike.
Interviewer: Your friend's bike maybe?
Job Hunter: Noooo. (Yes, that's a loooong No from me).
Funniest question ever? It's either I look like a Mat Rempit or my smile is as charming as Valentino Rossi's.
Nevertheless, I got the job.


Blogger mollyjinxed said...

how's ur girlfriend?


13/11/07 11:07 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



14/11/07 5:02 am  
Blogger androi8 said...

mollyjinxed: Kejar with all my mighttttt!

birmak: Thanks!

14/11/07 11:58 am  

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